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​​iOS APP: beMonstrous
beMonstrous is a gamefied to do list for kids. This app was built in less than 2 weeks while working with 2 other new iOS developers

​​iOS Project

Created the stick figure known as Freddy  animated on button taps in iOS. More to come soon! Have any Freddy action move  suggestions? Tweet them at me!

​​iOS Project

Stop watch application in iOS with a motivational sound clip. If you're timing yourself on something, might as well hear some pep talk from you iPhone!

AngelHack 2012:​

Pitch & Demo

AngelHack Fall 2012 pitch presentation for TailorFresh. Conceived this idea and created an intro video to demonstrate the problem we were trying to solve. We won the first place Gimbal API prize

Promo Video:

Entrepreneurs Roundtable

Accelerator NYC 2013

Concieved, directed, and edited a Harlem Shake spoof video for Spring 2013 Cohort at ERA  ( tech accelerator based in NYC). This was a fun project!

Motion Graphic Video

ConvoCast Promo

Concieved and edited a mini teaser for ConvoCast- an iOS project I am currently working on. Motion graphics include lighting, texture, and camera affects. 


New Hire 

Recruiting Video

Created in collobaration with colleagues. Directed and edited a promotional recruiting video for FactSet.  Winner of the company wide film contest. 

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible projects >>

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